"Codex Alimentarius," which refers to a set of strict regulations covering all aspects of food, is Latin for "food code" or "food regulations."
Modern Codex regulations are prepared by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (herein referred to as "Codex"), which works with the EU and UN in an attempt to regulate every aspect of food production, packaging, preparation, preservation, and presentation of food "from farm to fork." Codex also attempts to regulate supplemental nutrients. It even goes so far as to eliminate "organic produce" standards (through dilution)!
Because the U.S. is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and because the WTO and other treaty agreements require the United States to adhere to Codex standards, any changes approved in Europe, and implemented in the EU-dominated Codex meetings, could subject the United States to WTO-enforced trade sanctions.
The plan is to suppress all beneficial, high-potency nutrients, and to allow only those and a few other vitamins and minerals that will be high-priced, low-dosage, and synthetically-made by drug companies.
Codex regulations will become binding internationally. Any nation that has entered into trade agreements through the WTO and its adjunctive treaties will eventually be forced to adopt Codex standards.
The drug industry, recognizing the growing preference for natural remedies over pharmaceuticals, wants nutritional supplements and herbs either forbidden or priced out of reach. In Europe, the drug cartel has succeeded in enacting the European Food Supplements Directive, which will accomplish that objective on the European continent very soon. This Directive, which passed into European Union (EU) law in 2002 and was implemented throughout the EU on August 1, 2005, is the first of several EU Directives to impact natural healthcare and is one of the bases for the Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements Guidelines adopted by Codex Alimentarius.
Research it!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Those drugs are legal? Oh, wait, they're prescription.
Perhaps a real drug war is in order:
The 2008, first quarter report of deaths and serious injuries associated with drug therapy was recently released by The Institute for Safe Medication Practices, a nonprofit organization whose stated goal is to educate the healthcare community and consumers about safe medication practices. The findings of this report are astounding.According to the information gathered from data submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during the first quarter of 2008, there were 20,745 reported serious injuries associated with drug therapy, up 34% from the previous quarter, and up 38% from last year`s average. Even more eye-opening than the number of serious injuries is the number of reported deaths – 4,824 people were reported killed from pharmaceutical drugs in the first quarter of 2008, a 2.6 fold increase from the previous quarter. This figure represents the highest number of patient deaths ever reported in a single quarter as a result of drug therapy. It also accounts for more deaths than those due to homicide during the same period.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 2.5 million people die every year in the United States. Assuming a 10% reporting rate of adverse events to drug therapy based on Q1, 2008 data, it can be concluded that about 8% of the deaths that occur every year in America are due to complications with pharmaceutical drugs. Assuming only a 1% reporting rate, that percentage increases to over 77%. Thus, it can be estimated that the number of people that die every year in the U.S. from adverse drug effects is anywhere from about 192,000 to almost 2,000,000.
It becomes abundantly clear from this report that no one knows for sure exactly how many people are negatively affected by pharmaceutical drugs, but that the number is quite large and is getting increasingly larger. Even on the low end of the estimate spectrum, the data elucidates the obviously prodigious danger of pharmaceutical drugs and the inadequate work being performed by the FDA in protecting the public from dangerous drugs.
The 2008, first quarter report of deaths and serious injuries associated with drug therapy was recently released by The Institute for Safe Medication Practices, a nonprofit organization whose stated goal is to educate the healthcare community and consumers about safe medication practices. The findings of this report are astounding.According to the information gathered from data submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during the first quarter of 2008, there were 20,745 reported serious injuries associated with drug therapy, up 34% from the previous quarter, and up 38% from last year`s average. Even more eye-opening than the number of serious injuries is the number of reported deaths – 4,824 people were reported killed from pharmaceutical drugs in the first quarter of 2008, a 2.6 fold increase from the previous quarter. This figure represents the highest number of patient deaths ever reported in a single quarter as a result of drug therapy. It also accounts for more deaths than those due to homicide during the same period.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 2.5 million people die every year in the United States. Assuming a 10% reporting rate of adverse events to drug therapy based on Q1, 2008 data, it can be concluded that about 8% of the deaths that occur every year in America are due to complications with pharmaceutical drugs. Assuming only a 1% reporting rate, that percentage increases to over 77%. Thus, it can be estimated that the number of people that die every year in the U.S. from adverse drug effects is anywhere from about 192,000 to almost 2,000,000.
It becomes abundantly clear from this report that no one knows for sure exactly how many people are negatively affected by pharmaceutical drugs, but that the number is quite large and is getting increasingly larger. Even on the low end of the estimate spectrum, the data elucidates the obviously prodigious danger of pharmaceutical drugs and the inadequate work being performed by the FDA in protecting the public from dangerous drugs.
Joke - for a laugh
While walking down the street one day, a US senator is tragically hit by a truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter atthe entrance. 'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Pete. 'Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a highofficial around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do withyou.' 'No problem, just let me in,' says the senator. 'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll dois have you spend one day in hell and one day in heaven. Then you canchoose where to spend eternity.' Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,' says thesenator. 'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.' And with that, St. Pete escorts him to the elevator and he goes down,down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of agreen golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all hisfriends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him,shake his hand and reminisce about the good times they had while gettingrich at the expense of the common people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviarand champagne. Also present is the devil - really a very friendly guy who has a goodtime dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time thatbefore he realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevatorrises.... The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St.Pete is waiting for him. 'Now it's time to visit heaven.' So, 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented soulsfloating from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have agood time, and, before he realizes it, the 24 hour have gone by and St.Peter returns. 'Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity.' The senator reflects for a minute, then answers: 'Well, I would neverhave said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful and all, but I thinkI would be happier in hell.' So St. Peter escorts him down to the elevator and he goes down, down,down to hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barrenland covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends dressed in rags picking up the trash andputting it in black bags as more trash falls from above... The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't understand,' stammers the senator. 'Yesterday I was hereand there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar,drank champagne and danced and had a great time. Now there's nothing buta wasteland full of garbage and all of my friends look miserable. Whathappened?' The devil looks at him, smiles and says................
'Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted!!'
'Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted!!'
irrational overreaction?
Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are about 80 times more deadly than terrorism if you live in North America.
According to this paper published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 1997, NSAIDs are estimated to kill 7,965 people every year in the US and Canada. The statistics do not represent people overdosing on aspirin, rather, they're from people taking normal doses prescribed by doctors and dying from the side-effects. This is shocking when compared with the terrorism statistics published in the MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base, which reveal that only 3,576 people have died in North America as a result of terrorism since 1968.
In fact, aspirin and related drugs kill far more people in the US and Canada every year than terrorism kills in the entire world.
According to this paper published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 1997, NSAIDs are estimated to kill 7,965 people every year in the US and Canada. The statistics do not represent people overdosing on aspirin, rather, they're from people taking normal doses prescribed by doctors and dying from the side-effects. This is shocking when compared with the terrorism statistics published in the MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base, which reveal that only 3,576 people have died in North America as a result of terrorism since 1968.
In fact, aspirin and related drugs kill far more people in the US and Canada every year than terrorism kills in the entire world.
Hate Criminals?
British researchers say they've identified a "hate circuit" in the brain.
This hate circuit shares part of the brain associated with aggression, but is distinct from areas related to emotions such as fear, threat, and danger, said researchers Professor Semir Zeki and John Romaya, of University College London's laboratory of neurobiology.
The study was published online Oct. 29 in the journal PLoS One.
"Hate is often considered to be an evil passion that should, in a better world, be tamed, controlled, and eradicated," Zeki said in a journal news release.
Activity in parts of the hate circuit matches the strength of the person's declared intensity of hate, "thus allowing the subjective state of hate to be objectively quantified. This finding may have legal implications in criminal cases. Wouldn't this be a shame!
This hate circuit shares part of the brain associated with aggression, but is distinct from areas related to emotions such as fear, threat, and danger, said researchers Professor Semir Zeki and John Romaya, of University College London's laboratory of neurobiology.
The study was published online Oct. 29 in the journal PLoS One.
"Hate is often considered to be an evil passion that should, in a better world, be tamed, controlled, and eradicated," Zeki said in a journal news release.
Activity in parts of the hate circuit matches the strength of the person's declared intensity of hate, "thus allowing the subjective state of hate to be objectively quantified. This finding may have legal implications in criminal cases. Wouldn't this be a shame!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pro Second Amendment? or just another business?
I once was a proud member of the National Rifle Association. Now, I am just a member and that may be just because I have a while before the expiration of my membership. The NRA has proven itself to be nothing more than the status-quo, lack of willpower business! The NRA had the opportunity to rally millions of members behind a pro-second Amendment candidate, but it chose not to. They believe that John McCain will protect their right. HA! Nothing more than a joke...
"The last thing we need is another liberal neocon in the White House. If the presidency of George W. Bush proved anything, it proved the hazard of electing phony Republican conservatives. At least one is able to clearly see a liberal for what he or she is when they have a "D" behind their name. But put an "R" behind the name and suddenly their liberal, Big-Government, anti-freedom agenda is barely recognized, which makes a liberal Republican much more dangerous than a liberal Democrat.
"Nowhere is McCain's chicanery and duplicity more jeopardous than in the area of the right to keep and bear arms. On issues relating to the Second Amendment, John McCain is a disaster! For example, the highly respected Gun Owners of America (GOA) rates McCain with a grade of F-. McCain's failing grade is well deserved.
"The GOA report of the 106th Congress reveals that out of 15 votes relating to the right to keep and bear arms, Senator John McCain voted favorably only 4 times. Put that into a percentage and McCain's pro-Second Amendment voting record is a pathetic 27%.
"If John McCain's proposed legislation were to become law, a gun owner who travels with a gun through a school zone or who uses one of the family handguns to go target shooting with a 15-year old could be sent to prison. And a person who uses a gun for self-defense could be sent to prison for a mandatory minimum of five years.
"I wonder how many gun owners and other professing pro-freedom Americans have already fallen victim to McCain's phony conservative campaign?"
"The last thing we need is another liberal neocon in the White House. If the presidency of George W. Bush proved anything, it proved the hazard of electing phony Republican conservatives. At least one is able to clearly see a liberal for what he or she is when they have a "D" behind their name. But put an "R" behind the name and suddenly their liberal, Big-Government, anti-freedom agenda is barely recognized, which makes a liberal Republican much more dangerous than a liberal Democrat.
"Nowhere is McCain's chicanery and duplicity more jeopardous than in the area of the right to keep and bear arms. On issues relating to the Second Amendment, John McCain is a disaster! For example, the highly respected Gun Owners of America (GOA) rates McCain with a grade of F-. McCain's failing grade is well deserved.
"The GOA report of the 106th Congress reveals that out of 15 votes relating to the right to keep and bear arms, Senator John McCain voted favorably only 4 times. Put that into a percentage and McCain's pro-Second Amendment voting record is a pathetic 27%.
"If John McCain's proposed legislation were to become law, a gun owner who travels with a gun through a school zone or who uses one of the family handguns to go target shooting with a 15-year old could be sent to prison. And a person who uses a gun for self-defense could be sent to prison for a mandatory minimum of five years.
"I wonder how many gun owners and other professing pro-freedom Americans have already fallen victim to McCain's phony conservative campaign?"
Habeas Corpus
Justice demands that an accused criminal be given the right of "habeas corpus," the ability to challenge the legality of his detention, but this right is being steadily eroded.
Rogue public officials consolidating a police state dispatch jack-booted thugs to arrest dissidents. Their victims defend themselves with firearms. Those who are captured are branded "enemy combatants," and held indefinitely, incommunicado, without any specific charges brought against them, with no access to an attorney or hope of a fair trial.A scenario from Stalin's Russia, contemporary Communist China, or some Third World dictatorship? That, surely. But it could also happen here, in the not-so-distant future.
"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus" derives from Article 39 of the Magna Carta in 1215, that "No free man shall be taken or imprisoned ... except by the legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land."
A court hearing a petition for a writ of habeas corpus does not rule on the innocence or guilt of the individual in custody, but only on the custodian's authority to detain him. Absent such authority, the prisoner must be released.
Rogue public officials consolidating a police state dispatch jack-booted thugs to arrest dissidents. Their victims defend themselves with firearms. Those who are captured are branded "enemy combatants," and held indefinitely, incommunicado, without any specific charges brought against them, with no access to an attorney or hope of a fair trial.A scenario from Stalin's Russia, contemporary Communist China, or some Third World dictatorship? That, surely. But it could also happen here, in the not-so-distant future.
"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus" derives from Article 39 of the Magna Carta in 1215, that "No free man shall be taken or imprisoned ... except by the legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land."
A court hearing a petition for a writ of habeas corpus does not rule on the innocence or guilt of the individual in custody, but only on the custodian's authority to detain him. Absent such authority, the prisoner must be released.
Prior to now...
"America was supposed to be made up of 13 – now 50 – sovereign states, little greenhouses free to try all different ways of doing things. I’d gladly move to the one state – one out of 50 – where medical liberty is restored, providing it also imposed no state income tax, no helmet or seatbelt or anti-smoking or “endangered species” or “global warming” or rural “speed limit” laws, that it “allowed” incandescent lightbulbs and full-sized rifle magazines and full-sized toilet tanks and encouraged the private ownership of machine guns.
(I just described all of America in 1912, a place where our grandparents seemed pretty happy, only without the racism that CREATED the Wars on Guns and Drugs.)
Which state is that? If there are a couple million of us who want to try it another way, why can’t we have just one state to call our own? We’re even willing to settle in the most inhospitable, God-forsaken desert you’ve got. " - Vin Suprynowicz
(I just described all of America in 1912, a place where our grandparents seemed pretty happy, only without the racism that CREATED the Wars on Guns and Drugs.)
Which state is that? If there are a couple million of us who want to try it another way, why can’t we have just one state to call our own? We’re even willing to settle in the most inhospitable, God-forsaken desert you’ve got. " - Vin Suprynowicz
The following is a story from hjschaapman. It is worth sharing.
Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read " Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed. Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference--just imagine the coincidence. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.
I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside
as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.
At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.
Its easy to be a liberal when it doesn't effect you
Sunday, October 26, 2008
New fuel: Algae
A new company called Sapphire Energy claims that it has developed a process for turning algae into crude oil, which can then be used to make fuel for automobiles or even jets.According to Sapphire CEO Jason Pyle, the green-colored crude oil is chemically equivalent to the fossil fuel version and could be processed into fuel at any refinery. Production costs are equivalent to those of extracting the petroleum from oil sands or deep-water reserves. Pyle says that the company has already produced diesel, jet fuel and premium-grade gasoline from its crude.In addition to algae and sunlight, the oil manufacturing process requires non-potable water and carbon dioxide. Because the process takes carbon dioxide out of the air, this could hypothetically balance out the carbon dioxide that would be emitted when the biofuel is burned. Pyle says that the new fuel could reduce U.S. dependence on foreign petroleum.
Friday, October 24, 2008
In the news: officer of the year
The police officer of the year in Council Bluffs, Iowa, has been charged with drunken driving.
Officer Terry Cozad has been on paid administrative leave since his arrest Sunday night by a Mills County sheriff's deputy.
Authorities say he refused to take an alcohol breath test.
Cozad has been with the Council Bluffs police department since 1999. He was named officer of the year earlier this year.
Officer Terry Cozad has been on paid administrative leave since his arrest Sunday night by a Mills County sheriff's deputy.
Authorities say he refused to take an alcohol breath test.
Cozad has been with the Council Bluffs police department since 1999. He was named officer of the year earlier this year.
Natural Born? continued...
Obama Ignores Citizenship Lawsuit:
Failure of Democrats to answer lawyer’s charges in 30 days means candidate admits charges by default.
The Pennsylvania attorney who challenged the Democratic presidential candidate’s “natural birth” has claimed victory in his federal suit because the defendants, Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee, have failed to answer the suit within the required 30 days, thereby losing by default.On October 21, Berg announced that Obama and the DNC “admitted” to, by way of failure of timely response to “requests for admissions,” the specific requests in the federal lawsuit. “Obama is not qualified to be president, and therefore he must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president, and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate,” Berg told AFP.
1.) The DNC did not verify Barrack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president by performing a background check. 2.) The DNC admits Obama is not a “natural born” U.S. citizen. 3.) The Credentials Committee, along with Chairman Howard Dean, has been aware of this lawsuit since Aug. 22, 2008, when the lawsuit was faxed to its Washington D.C. office, but failed to verify the credentials of Obama. 4.) Plaintiff and all Democratic citizens of the United States have been personally injured as a result of not having a qualified Democratic presidential nominee to cast their votes upon. 5.) The Democratic National Committee has been promoting Obama’s presidential election knowing he was ineligible to serve as president. Seeing the apparent stonewalling by the federal court in Pennsylvania since August, Steven Marquis of Fall City, Wash. has taken state action with the Obama birth certificate battle by filing suit in Washington State Superior Court against Secretary of State Sam Reed, demanding verification of Obama’s citizenship status.The complaint demands that the Washington secretary of state verify and certify that Obama is or is not a “natural born” citizen by producing original or certified verifiable official documents. The lawsuit argues that this certification should take place before the election to preclude a constitutional crisis and likely civil unrest should such certification, after the election, prove that Obama was not qualified for office.The complaint argues that the secretary of state has the duty to not only certify the voters but also the candidates and in so doing prevent the wholesale disenfranchisement of voters who would have had an opportunity to choose from qualified candidates had the certification preceded the election process. He also has the power to remove Obama from the ballot should his certification be questionable.Obama has not allowed independent or official access to his birth records nor supporting hospital records. The Hawaii Health Department has violated federal law by ignoring Freedom of Information requests.However, the federal judge in Pennsylvania has been delaying the case, stonewalling as election day 2008 approached.Obama’s grandmother, still alive in Kenya, has asserted that she remembers the boy’s birth in that country in 1961 and that his mother moved him to Hawaii shortly thereafter. The Pennsylvania suit maintains that even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he lost his citizenship when he was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather six years later.
Failure of Democrats to answer lawyer’s charges in 30 days means candidate admits charges by default.
The Pennsylvania attorney who challenged the Democratic presidential candidate’s “natural birth” has claimed victory in his federal suit because the defendants, Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee, have failed to answer the suit within the required 30 days, thereby losing by default.On October 21, Berg announced that Obama and the DNC “admitted” to, by way of failure of timely response to “requests for admissions,” the specific requests in the federal lawsuit. “Obama is not qualified to be president, and therefore he must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president, and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate,” Berg told AFP.
1.) The DNC did not verify Barrack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president by performing a background check. 2.) The DNC admits Obama is not a “natural born” U.S. citizen. 3.) The Credentials Committee, along with Chairman Howard Dean, has been aware of this lawsuit since Aug. 22, 2008, when the lawsuit was faxed to its Washington D.C. office, but failed to verify the credentials of Obama. 4.) Plaintiff and all Democratic citizens of the United States have been personally injured as a result of not having a qualified Democratic presidential nominee to cast their votes upon. 5.) The Democratic National Committee has been promoting Obama’s presidential election knowing he was ineligible to serve as president. Seeing the apparent stonewalling by the federal court in Pennsylvania since August, Steven Marquis of Fall City, Wash. has taken state action with the Obama birth certificate battle by filing suit in Washington State Superior Court against Secretary of State Sam Reed, demanding verification of Obama’s citizenship status.The complaint demands that the Washington secretary of state verify and certify that Obama is or is not a “natural born” citizen by producing original or certified verifiable official documents. The lawsuit argues that this certification should take place before the election to preclude a constitutional crisis and likely civil unrest should such certification, after the election, prove that Obama was not qualified for office.The complaint argues that the secretary of state has the duty to not only certify the voters but also the candidates and in so doing prevent the wholesale disenfranchisement of voters who would have had an opportunity to choose from qualified candidates had the certification preceded the election process. He also has the power to remove Obama from the ballot should his certification be questionable.Obama has not allowed independent or official access to his birth records nor supporting hospital records. The Hawaii Health Department has violated federal law by ignoring Freedom of Information requests.However, the federal judge in Pennsylvania has been delaying the case, stonewalling as election day 2008 approached.Obama’s grandmother, still alive in Kenya, has asserted that she remembers the boy’s birth in that country in 1961 and that his mother moved him to Hawaii shortly thereafter. The Pennsylvania suit maintains that even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he lost his citizenship when he was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather six years later.
Buckle Up
On a local and state level, you become a target of government officials if you fail to wear your seatbelt. In most places, your accidental failure to put on a seatbelt when you drive subjects you to a government law enforcement officer pulling you over, collecting your identification, interrogating you, and issuing you a legal fine that must be paid (coupled with excuses to issue you other tickets as well). If you do not pay the fine then other government enforcers will come and extract the money somehow. Once paid it will be promptly placed in state or local coffers to fund the system that perpetrated the abuse in the first place.
Taking the seatbelt example, libertarian philosophy would say, "It’s probably a good idea that one wears their seat belt. But it is not the job of government to make people take care of themselves if their decisions are not bothering anyone else in the process. One’s failure to wear a seatbelt is not harming another person, especially not the offended officer who writes the ticket. Seatbelt laws are just small-scale examples of overzealous government and government officials bothering citizens minding their own business. Therefore, abolish the seatbelt laws and let cops enforce laws against real crimes that involve violating the rights of another person."
That’s not exactly the prevailing philosophy of "law and order" Big Little Government conservatives and liberals. Their philosophy as it relates to this example is "Click It Or Ticket" along with a photo of a menacing cop pasted to your local gas pump with a legal warning to follow state and local dictates.
Taking the seatbelt example, libertarian philosophy would say, "It’s probably a good idea that one wears their seat belt. But it is not the job of government to make people take care of themselves if their decisions are not bothering anyone else in the process. One’s failure to wear a seatbelt is not harming another person, especially not the offended officer who writes the ticket. Seatbelt laws are just small-scale examples of overzealous government and government officials bothering citizens minding their own business. Therefore, abolish the seatbelt laws and let cops enforce laws against real crimes that involve violating the rights of another person."
That’s not exactly the prevailing philosophy of "law and order" Big Little Government conservatives and liberals. Their philosophy as it relates to this example is "Click It Or Ticket" along with a photo of a menacing cop pasted to your local gas pump with a legal warning to follow state and local dictates.
FDA is at it again...
The FDA has been caught red-handed conspiring with the chemical industry to conclude that Bisphenol-A, the plastics chemical, is harmless to human health. As revealed by the Environmental Working Group (see below), the FDA based its evaluation of BPA on a report authored by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), a trade group that represents chemical companies and plastics manufacturers.The FDA's evaluation concluded that BPA was perfectly safe for consumers of any age, including infants. This conclusion stands in direct opposition to the Canadian government, which declared BPA to be a toxic chemical on Oct. 18 and moved towards banning the chemical in baby bottles.Even the U.S. National Institutes of Health says BPA may be dangerous, admitting it is concerned about BPA's "effects on development of the prostate gland and brain and for behavioral effects in fetuses, infants and children."
This decision on BPA is the latest example of why the FDA has become an enormous threat to the health and safety of the American people.
Thanks to the FDA, it remains illegal in the United States to even link to a scientific study on the health benefits of cherries if you happen to sell cherries. Telling the truth about anti-cancer herbs can land you in prison, and placing a customer testimonial on your health product website can earn you a visit from FDA agents accompanied by armed SWAT-style assault teams.
This decision on BPA is the latest example of why the FDA has become an enormous threat to the health and safety of the American people.
Thanks to the FDA, it remains illegal in the United States to even link to a scientific study on the health benefits of cherries if you happen to sell cherries. Telling the truth about anti-cancer herbs can land you in prison, and placing a customer testimonial on your health product website can earn you a visit from FDA agents accompanied by armed SWAT-style assault teams.
American Oligarcy
The title of this post should suffice where this rant is headed. This is a quick thought due to some overwhelming nature. I would like to raise the question: what happened to the American Republic? I know. Do you? We are no longer guided by the Constitution and we have lost our republic. I just wish more people would recognize this and stand up against the progression of the country. We live in a place that has shattered our rights to speech, protest, and engage in activities that are not creating victims. We live in a place where the government is feared by the people and where the government has taken control of everything and everyone. We have nationalized banks and soon there will be a world bank overseeing all. We have stolen from others through taxation and have made others dependent upon governemental programs. We have neglected our duty as patriots and have been manipulated by those with power and controlling forces and interests. So to all those politicians and the men behind the curtains and corporations: thank you for destroying the republic. To all others who wish to live in freedom: restore the republic!
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the
government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
FDA Running Extortion Racket: Natural Supplement Companies Threatened with Arrest
The FDA, by any account, is a much greater threat to the security and safety of the American people than any terrorist group, and if the U.S. really wanted to fight terror and tyranny, it would start by arresting top FDA officials at gunpoint. Those targeted for arrest and prosecution should also include the lawyers and paper pushers involved in this very agreement.
NaturalNews has learned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is running a criminal extortion racket designed to drain cash from health supplement companies and shift it into the pockets of top FDA contractors. This organized crime operation has been running for years, and it has operated with impunity because each company targeted by the scam feels isolated and alone, unable to face the astronomical legal bills of going to court and battling the FDA. So one by one, they agree to "settle" with the FDA for crimes they never committed. Part of the settlement, of course, involves the payment of FDA employees or contractors who pocket the money extorted from health companies.
NaturalNews has interviewed executives from three different companies who have been targeted for extortion by U.S. Food and Drug Administration employees. At their request, the names of those companies are being kept confidential until legal action being taken against them is resolved. Interviews have been recorded, with permission, with two of those companies and will be released to the public at a later date.
READ HERE: http://www.naturalnews.com/024567.html
NaturalNews has learned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is running a criminal extortion racket designed to drain cash from health supplement companies and shift it into the pockets of top FDA contractors. This organized crime operation has been running for years, and it has operated with impunity because each company targeted by the scam feels isolated and alone, unable to face the astronomical legal bills of going to court and battling the FDA. So one by one, they agree to "settle" with the FDA for crimes they never committed. Part of the settlement, of course, involves the payment of FDA employees or contractors who pocket the money extorted from health companies.
NaturalNews has interviewed executives from three different companies who have been targeted for extortion by U.S. Food and Drug Administration employees. At their request, the names of those companies are being kept confidential until legal action being taken against them is resolved. Interviews have been recorded, with permission, with two of those companies and will be released to the public at a later date.
READ HERE: http://www.naturalnews.com/024567.html
Monday, October 20, 2008
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
The breast cancer industry is, by any honest assessment, a crime against women. In America, husbands who beat their wives are considered criminals. They're arrested and locked away. But those very same men, when wearing a doctor's coat, can assault women with chemicals, slice off their breasts with scalpels and even kill those women... all with impunity. There's not a single breast cancer doctor who has ever been arrested for the death of a patient.
Myth #1: Breast Cancer is not preventable.
The Truth: Up to 98% of breast cancer cases can be prevented through diet, nutritional supplements, sunshine and exercise.
Myth #2: Pink ribbon products are sold to raise money to support breast cancer victims.
The Truth: Nearly 100% of the funds are used to recruit more breast cancer patients into highly-lucrative treatments that do more harm than good.
Myth #3: The only proven treatments for breast cancer are chemotherapy and radiation.
The Truth: Chemotherapy doesn't work and radiation causes cancer.
For the ongoing truth: http://www.naturalnews.com/024535.html
Myth #1: Breast Cancer is not preventable.
The Truth: Up to 98% of breast cancer cases can be prevented through diet, nutritional supplements, sunshine and exercise.
Myth #2: Pink ribbon products are sold to raise money to support breast cancer victims.
The Truth: Nearly 100% of the funds are used to recruit more breast cancer patients into highly-lucrative treatments that do more harm than good.
Myth #3: The only proven treatments for breast cancer are chemotherapy and radiation.
The Truth: Chemotherapy doesn't work and radiation causes cancer.
For the ongoing truth: http://www.naturalnews.com/024535.html
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Interesting Perspective
Propaganda crimes
Most jurisdictions have yet to recognize propaganda for war as a crime. However several journalists have recently been convicted of incitement to genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
Because there is stiff resistance, especially from the United States, the effort to criminalize war propaganda faces an uphill battle.
However in legal terms it seems relatively straightforward: if incitement to genocide is a crime, then incitement to aggression, another Nuremberg crime, could and should be as well.
After all, aggression – starting an unprovoked war – is “the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole,” in the words of the judgment at Nuremberg.
Criminal or not, much of the world now sees incitement to war as morally indefensible.
The role played by American mainstream media during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq was marked by widespread unquestioning submission to the Bush administration and abandonment of the most fundamental journalistic responsibility to the public.
This responsibility is embodied not only in Resolution 59 but in the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics as well, which states: “Journalists should test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error.”
Most jurisdictions have yet to recognize propaganda for war as a crime. However several journalists have recently been convicted of incitement to genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
Because there is stiff resistance, especially from the United States, the effort to criminalize war propaganda faces an uphill battle.
However in legal terms it seems relatively straightforward: if incitement to genocide is a crime, then incitement to aggression, another Nuremberg crime, could and should be as well.
After all, aggression – starting an unprovoked war – is “the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole,” in the words of the judgment at Nuremberg.
Criminal or not, much of the world now sees incitement to war as morally indefensible.
The role played by American mainstream media during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq was marked by widespread unquestioning submission to the Bush administration and abandonment of the most fundamental journalistic responsibility to the public.
This responsibility is embodied not only in Resolution 59 but in the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics as well, which states: “Journalists should test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error.”
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"That which is not free is not responsible, and that which is not responsible is not moral. Freedom is the condition of morality." - Thomas Davidson
Time to Flip Burgers...
A judge has reduced bail for a former New Hampshire legislator who owes thousands in fines, telling him to flip burgers if he has to to earn money to start repaying his debt.
Even with bail reduced from $9,000 to $1,000, Jim Ryan failed to bail himself out of Carroll County jail this week. And the judge said if Ryan does not make bail by the end of the month, he will begin raising the amount each month.
Ryan has been jailed since August over $9,000 in unpaid fines from a 1991 forgery conviction.
Prosecutor Susan Boone said Ryan told Judge Peter Fauver he was holding off paying until he could land a teaching job at Keene State or New England College. Boone said the judge told Ryan the nonpayment has gone on too long and that Ryan could shovel snow or work at McDonald's to earn the money.
Fauver ordered Ryan to begin paying the fine with monthly payments of $250, beginning Nov. 1.
Even with bail reduced from $9,000 to $1,000, Jim Ryan failed to bail himself out of Carroll County jail this week. And the judge said if Ryan does not make bail by the end of the month, he will begin raising the amount each month.
Ryan has been jailed since August over $9,000 in unpaid fines from a 1991 forgery conviction.
Prosecutor Susan Boone said Ryan told Judge Peter Fauver he was holding off paying until he could land a teaching job at Keene State or New England College. Boone said the judge told Ryan the nonpayment has gone on too long and that Ryan could shovel snow or work at McDonald's to earn the money.
Fauver ordered Ryan to begin paying the fine with monthly payments of $250, beginning Nov. 1.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Natural Born?
What initially emerged as internet rumor, has now elevated to a showdown in a Federal courtroom with zero coverage in the mainstream media.
In the US District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Barack Obama is facing a legal challenge to his constitutional eligibility to be president. The lawsuit was brought by Philip J. Berg, a Philadelphia attorney, former Philadelphia deputy attorney general, former head of the Montgomery County, Pa. Democratic Party, and a former member of the Democratic State Convention. Berg v. Obama, alleges that Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when his mother married an Indonesian citizen and naturalized in Indonesia. Berg further alleges that he failed to take an oath of allegiance when he turned 18 years old to regain his U.S. citizenship status.
To satisfy the plaintiffs claim and end the suit Berg has requested three items:
(1). "Obama's "vault" version (certified copy of his "original" long version) birth certificate.
(2). A certified copy of Obama's Certificate of Citizenship.
(3). A certified copy of Obama's oath of allegiance.
Evidently, Obama has refused to produce the above documents and recently has been ordered by the court to do so.
courtesy of: http://justgetthere.us/blog/archives/Why-Wont-Obama-Respond-to-Citizenship-Charges-In-Federal-Court-Case.html
CHECK OUT THE COURT PETITION: http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/pennsylvania/paedce/2:2008cv04083/281573/1/
In the US District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Barack Obama is facing a legal challenge to his constitutional eligibility to be president. The lawsuit was brought by Philip J. Berg, a Philadelphia attorney, former Philadelphia deputy attorney general, former head of the Montgomery County, Pa. Democratic Party, and a former member of the Democratic State Convention. Berg v. Obama, alleges that Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when his mother married an Indonesian citizen and naturalized in Indonesia. Berg further alleges that he failed to take an oath of allegiance when he turned 18 years old to regain his U.S. citizenship status.
To satisfy the plaintiffs claim and end the suit Berg has requested three items:
(1). "Obama's "vault" version (certified copy of his "original" long version) birth certificate.
(2). A certified copy of Obama's Certificate of Citizenship.
(3). A certified copy of Obama's oath of allegiance.
Evidently, Obama has refused to produce the above documents and recently has been ordered by the court to do so.
courtesy of: http://justgetthere.us/blog/archives/Why-Wont-Obama-Respond-to-Citizenship-Charges-In-Federal-Court-Case.html
CHECK OUT THE COURT PETITION: http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/pennsylvania/paedce/2:2008cv04083/281573/1/
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What in the world is going on?
But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.
- John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams, July 17, 1775
Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.
- John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776
We live in a time no longer emotional to the freedom we once craved. The sweat of our labor is but exactly that and I ask, where is the sweat of our freedom? Have we been so manipulated and redirected from the most precious virtue mankind has been endowed with? Our lives have become too routine that we have neglected our most necessary duty of true patriotism. We arise with the sun to boost chemically created fragrances and mask the truth of our expressionist faces, all the while adhering to single-minded formulations thrusted upon our doorstep. The lies have become hidden in our routine and our duty has been neglected by the unmotivated false nature erected around us. Day after day and year after year we are influenced by the same megalamoniacal arrogance that dictated our past days and years. When do we wake from our slumber and rise above our deliriousness? The time is no greater than now! No longer can we suffer the fate which has been brought upon us and of which we have not ever envisioned. Our thoughts, feelings, and true beliefs must rise above the demented philosophies flashing catchy connotations before us. Take heart your every move and bring passion to your most desires. For it is within you where all truth and hope resurrects. Once we all acknowledge the reality and truth we can stand on mountain tops and pass away fear, hatred, pain, and lies. While the crowd looks appeasing, search for the direction of righteousness and end destruction. The environment in which we crave is near only when every individual finds the desire and knowledge within himself and around himself. For when it is found there is no holding back. Success of liberty occurred a supposed unattainable victory and its time has come again. Rise up! Grasp with all your might and do not stop there.
- Stephen
Police Violation of Free Speech
Police kicked protester Benjamin Harms off Belmont University campus this week before the presidential debate for the crime of “trespassing” as hundreds of mindless Obama supporters cheered the outright violation of free speech.
The protagonist’s attempts to succinctly explain the banker bailout scam - which Barack Obama has fully supported - in clear and concise terms was met with the mindless bleating of “Obama, Obama, Obama” - perfectly underscoring the vacuum of Obama’s empty platitudes of “change” and the deluded idolatry of his supporters.
“Obama and McCain are the same,” chanted another demonstrator as police and security thugs moved in to ensure that anyone that dared use their freedom of speech to communicate a real message was hastily ejected, while the Obama cult members were left completely alone to continue their pointless rhetoric.
“Kick him out, kick him out,” chanted the Obama-ites as the group tried to explain to the police the meaning of the first amendment.
“I am now being escorted away by police from the scene because I don’t have a right to free speech,” said Harms, to which the Obama crowd responded with whoops, cries and hollers of “yeeeeahhhh” in celebration of the fact that cops were crushing the first amendment.
“I have a right to speak my mind just like all of you do,” added Harms.
“They don’t like what I’m saying so I’m being escorted by the police off of the campus.”
Police threatened to arrest Harms and refused to tell him where the property line of the campus was. They were also unable to tell him why the use of a bullhorn was illegal, enforcing a claimed law of which they had no knowledge.
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Corporate Crime
Days after federal officials agreed to an $85 billion bailout of American International Group, the insurance firm spent more than $440,000 for a corporate retreat at a swanky California resort.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Criminal Punishment
The below is quoted from Murray N. Rothbard and expresses the prosecution of crime in a true libertarian society. It is a notion that is never recognized or acknowledged by many individuals and institutions. Take a moment and consider it.
"The central thrust of libertarian thought, then, is to oppose any and all aggression against the property rights of individuals in their own persons and in the material objects they have voluntarily acquired. While individual and gangs of criminals are of course opposed, there is nothing unique here to the libertarian creed, since almost all persons and schools of thought oppose the exercise of random violence against persons and property.
There is, however, a difference of emphasis on the part of libertarians even in this universally accepted area of defending people against crime. In the libertarian society there would be no "district attorney" who prosecutes criminals in the name of a nonexistent "society," even against the wishes of the victim of crime. The victim would himself decide whether to press charges. Furthermore, as another side to the same coin, in a libertarian world the victim would be able to press suit against a wrongdoer without having to convince the same district attorney that he should proceed. Moreover, in the system of criminal punishment in the libertarian world, the emphasis would never be, as it is now, on "society's" jailing the criminal; the emphasis would necessarily be on compelling the criminal to make restitution to the victim of his crime. The present system, in which the victim is not recompensed but instead has to pay taxes to support the incarceration of his own attacker?would be evident nonsense in a world that focuses on the defense of property rights and therefore on the victim of crime."
"The central thrust of libertarian thought, then, is to oppose any and all aggression against the property rights of individuals in their own persons and in the material objects they have voluntarily acquired. While individual and gangs of criminals are of course opposed, there is nothing unique here to the libertarian creed, since almost all persons and schools of thought oppose the exercise of random violence against persons and property.
There is, however, a difference of emphasis on the part of libertarians even in this universally accepted area of defending people against crime. In the libertarian society there would be no "district attorney" who prosecutes criminals in the name of a nonexistent "society," even against the wishes of the victim of crime. The victim would himself decide whether to press charges. Furthermore, as another side to the same coin, in a libertarian world the victim would be able to press suit against a wrongdoer without having to convince the same district attorney that he should proceed. Moreover, in the system of criminal punishment in the libertarian world, the emphasis would never be, as it is now, on "society's" jailing the criminal; the emphasis would necessarily be on compelling the criminal to make restitution to the victim of his crime. The present system, in which the victim is not recompensed but instead has to pay taxes to support the incarceration of his own attacker?would be evident nonsense in a world that focuses on the defense of property rights and therefore on the victim of crime."
The Republican Nation Convention last month demonstrated what has come and what is coming. Steps 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the 10 steps to fascism, as detailed in Naomi Wolf's book, The End of America were in full effect in St. Paul: 5) Surveil ordinary citizens, 6) Infiltrate citizens' groups, 7) Arbitrarily detain and release citizens, 8) Target key individuals and 9) Restrict the press.
It is happening, right here, right now in America, and not just in St. Paul. All 10 steps are now in force in America, including the last: Subvert the rule of law.
It is happening, right here, right now in America, and not just in St. Paul. All 10 steps are now in force in America, including the last: Subvert the rule of law.
The police are supposed to defend your right to peaceful protest and speech. Why has control and aggression been used when individuals reject the current path of warfare/welfare government?
Picture courtesy of http://thephoenix.com/Boston/News/69269-Among-the-Republican-thugs/?rel=inf
Monday, October 6, 2008
It has begun
The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.
Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.
Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.
"The seamless integration of the military and law enforcement into a single "Internal Security Force" is the defining characteristic of a fully realized police state. Once this fusion is accomplished, the question becomes not "whether" a police state exists, but rather how acute its institutional violence against the subject population will become." - William Norman Grigg
Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.
Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.
"The seamless integration of the military and law enforcement into a single "Internal Security Force" is the defining characteristic of a fully realized police state. Once this fusion is accomplished, the question becomes not "whether" a police state exists, but rather how acute its institutional violence against the subject population will become." - William Norman Grigg
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I feel compelled to address the issues surrounding the current bailout of the economy that was passed this week. The bailout will not stop the market from falling. In fact, this bill is going to do more harm than good. The economic collapse was bound to occur; however, the government interfering with the economy in attempts to prevent the collapse is an attempted cure that most likely will result in death. The government involvement in a free economy will destroy the dollar in an effort to save the economy. As a consequence, they will destroy both. The free market / capitalism is what will save the economy. The market is attempting to fix the problem, but the government became involved and screwed it up. The government doesn’t like how a free market corrects problems because of the pain (unemployment, financial loss). Way too much spending and borrowing got us into this mess and no government program can fix the problem – it will only contribute to it. The government crashing the dollar through continued spending and borrowing will result in far greater pain than a free market correction. As the value of the dollar declines, unemployment, standards of living, harm, and crime will increase drastically.
"Now all of a sudden we're one government program away from a complete disaster, from a repeat great depression. These guys are lying. The reality is we are on the verge of that disaster because of the baiout. Now yes, if they don't do a bailout it is going to be difficult for American's to borrow money to buy stuff. Yeah, great! We're to broke to buy stuff. That's a good thing. You know, their saying that if we don't pass this bill nobody's going to be able to borrow money to send their kids to college. That's right, we won't be able to borrow money to send our kids to college, but you know what, that's a good thing. Because you know what that means? That means college tuitions are going to come way down. And that means we won't have to borrow money to send our kids to college because college will be cheap. The only reason tuitions are so high is because it is so easy to borrow money to go to school. The minute you can't borrow money to go to school, school is going to get cheap... (colleges) are going to find ways to cut their bloated overhead so that they can educate our kids for a reasonable cost. But the governement wants to keep us in debt. The governement wants to make sure everything is so expensive that we have to borrow money to buy it. This is nonsense!" - Peter Schiff
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wasted Funds
"The government doles out too much anti-terrorism money to towns and cities for emergency equipment that rarely gets used while cash-strapped police struggle with crime, according to a growing number of mayors, police chiefs and security experts.
Seven years after 9/11, some are asking the government to re-examine spending hundreds of millions of dollars on bomb robots, chem-bio suits and equipment that often gathers dust in warehouses.
"The simple truth is that average Americans are much more likely to find themselves victims of crime than of terrorist attack," the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) says in a new report that calls on the next president to shift money back to crime fighting.
Since 2003, when the Homeland Security Department was created, the government has given states and cities $22.7 billion for emergency preparedness. How that money is doled out has been controversial from the start. Big cities complained that too much was sent to remote towns; police complained that they couldn't use it for overtime.
This is the first time officials have called for a complete re-evaluation of the grant system.
Since 9/11, the IACP says, 99,000 people have been murdered in the USA and 1.4 million are the victims of violent crime each year. "In terms of day-to-day crime fighting, we're far worse off than we were before 9/11," IACP's Ronald Ruecker says...
continue reading: http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Find-Freedom.htm?At=039075
Seven years after 9/11, some are asking the government to re-examine spending hundreds of millions of dollars on bomb robots, chem-bio suits and equipment that often gathers dust in warehouses.
"The simple truth is that average Americans are much more likely to find themselves victims of crime than of terrorist attack," the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) says in a new report that calls on the next president to shift money back to crime fighting.
Since 2003, when the Homeland Security Department was created, the government has given states and cities $22.7 billion for emergency preparedness. How that money is doled out has been controversial from the start. Big cities complained that too much was sent to remote towns; police complained that they couldn't use it for overtime.
This is the first time officials have called for a complete re-evaluation of the grant system.
Since 9/11, the IACP says, 99,000 people have been murdered in the USA and 1.4 million are the victims of violent crime each year. "In terms of day-to-day crime fighting, we're far worse off than we were before 9/11," IACP's Ronald Ruecker says...
continue reading: http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Find-Freedom.htm?At=039075
Martial Law
Today, Rep. Brad Sherman says he has been told that there will be Martial Law if bill is not passed - FEAR MONGERING is how our laws are being forced on us.
Rep. Sherman, in the house of Representatives, stated that members of congress were threatened that “There would be martial law in America if we voted no.”(on the bailout bill)
Rep. Sherman, in the house of Representatives, stated that members of congress were threatened that “There would be martial law in America if we voted no.”(on the bailout bill)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What are the rules?
I am rather disheartened as of late by the disastrous bailout proposition put forth by the government. Every congressman and senator that voted in favor of this crime against American taxpayers and citizens should be voted out of office. I thank those that have stood strong in opposition. The article below asks some very good questions and states some hard truths and even explains some frustration as of late...
"Should government abide by the same rules as the rest of us? Ask any random sample of the human race, and you’re likely to get 100 percent agreement with the proposition that it should. Even politicians who so obviously don’t believe it – witness their eagerness to fleece taxpayers to protect their pals on Wall Street from the consequences of their own bad business decisions, many of which were encouraged or even demanded by those same politicians – still give lip service to it, knowing that it’s the required answer.
When it comes time actually to apply this belief, however, it rapidly becomes apparent that very few people truly believe that all governments, and all persons in those governments, at all times must be subject to the same laws as the people they rule. Democrats will excoriate Republicans for minor infractions while excusing vast crimes by members of their own party, and vice versa. Individuals will gripe about Congress’s pork-barrel spending but reelect their own congressman on the basis that he brought home the bacon. Americans will mercilessly berate foreign governments for their transgressions while excusing, and sometimes even praising, their own government for doing the same or worse. Practically everyone is willing to permit the government to engage in all kinds of practices that he would never accept from a private individual, organization, or business...
"Clearly these individuals do not apply the same rules to government as they do to everyone else. They would never accept such justifications for a private citizen to engage in the same practices. If an accountant lied on a client’s financial report and was later tried for fraud, would this be excusable on the basis that his client had ordered him to do it? If the same accountant shredded the books and lied about his actions, would this be excusable on the same basis? If I drove a tank into South Central Los Angeles and started blasting away indiscriminately, would that be acceptable since I’m certain to kill a few gang members who probably have committed or will commit crimes? If I sold machine guns to both the Crips and the Bloods but did so in order to make money to send to alleged freedom fighters in Georgia, would that make everything okay?...
"Should government abide by the same rules as the rest of us? Ask any random sample of the human race, and you’re likely to get 100 percent agreement with the proposition that it should. Even politicians who so obviously don’t believe it – witness their eagerness to fleece taxpayers to protect their pals on Wall Street from the consequences of their own bad business decisions, many of which were encouraged or even demanded by those same politicians – still give lip service to it, knowing that it’s the required answer.
When it comes time actually to apply this belief, however, it rapidly becomes apparent that very few people truly believe that all governments, and all persons in those governments, at all times must be subject to the same laws as the people they rule. Democrats will excoriate Republicans for minor infractions while excusing vast crimes by members of their own party, and vice versa. Individuals will gripe about Congress’s pork-barrel spending but reelect their own congressman on the basis that he brought home the bacon. Americans will mercilessly berate foreign governments for their transgressions while excusing, and sometimes even praising, their own government for doing the same or worse. Practically everyone is willing to permit the government to engage in all kinds of practices that he would never accept from a private individual, organization, or business...
"Clearly these individuals do not apply the same rules to government as they do to everyone else. They would never accept such justifications for a private citizen to engage in the same practices. If an accountant lied on a client’s financial report and was later tried for fraud, would this be excusable on the basis that his client had ordered him to do it? If the same accountant shredded the books and lied about his actions, would this be excusable on the same basis? If I drove a tank into South Central Los Angeles and started blasting away indiscriminately, would that be acceptable since I’m certain to kill a few gang members who probably have committed or will commit crimes? If I sold machine guns to both the Crips and the Bloods but did so in order to make money to send to alleged freedom fighters in Georgia, would that make everything okay?...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The domestic police force has increased... to handle crime?
By Chuck Baldwin
October 1, 2008
According to the Army Times (dated Tuesday, September 30, 2008), "Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT [Brigade Combat Team] will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks."
The article continued by saying, "But this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.
"After 1st BCT finishes its dwell-time mission, expectations are that another, as yet unnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and that the mission will be a permanent one."
The Times column also reported that the Army brigade "may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control . . ." It seems that the Army's new domestic duties also include "traffic control" as well as subduing "unruly or dangerous individuals."
... just a few months after expunging Posse Comitatus, President Bush has authorized an Army brigade to be assigned the new role of dealing exclusively with domestic law enforcement and related duties. This evokes serious questions.
Who will give the order to send U.S. troops against American civilians, and under what circumstances? What will the rules of engagement be? How will "unruly" and "dangerous" be defined? How will soldiers be asked to deal with "crowd" or "traffic" control? And perhaps the biggest question is, Once we begin to go down this road, where will it lead?
For several years, the federal government has been accumulating to itself more and more authority that was historically understood to reside within the states and local communities. More and more, our police departments have taken on the image and tactics of the armed forces. And to a greater and greater degree, the rights and liberties of the American people are being sacrificed on the altar of "national security." It seems to me that to now ascribe law enforcement duties to the U.S. Army only serves to augment the argument that America is fast approaching police state status.
October 1, 2008
According to the Army Times (dated Tuesday, September 30, 2008), "Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT [Brigade Combat Team] will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks."
The article continued by saying, "But this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.
"After 1st BCT finishes its dwell-time mission, expectations are that another, as yet unnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and that the mission will be a permanent one."
The Times column also reported that the Army brigade "may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control . . ." It seems that the Army's new domestic duties also include "traffic control" as well as subduing "unruly or dangerous individuals."
... just a few months after expunging Posse Comitatus, President Bush has authorized an Army brigade to be assigned the new role of dealing exclusively with domestic law enforcement and related duties. This evokes serious questions.
Who will give the order to send U.S. troops against American civilians, and under what circumstances? What will the rules of engagement be? How will "unruly" and "dangerous" be defined? How will soldiers be asked to deal with "crowd" or "traffic" control? And perhaps the biggest question is, Once we begin to go down this road, where will it lead?
For several years, the federal government has been accumulating to itself more and more authority that was historically understood to reside within the states and local communities. More and more, our police departments have taken on the image and tactics of the armed forces. And to a greater and greater degree, the rights and liberties of the American people are being sacrificed on the altar of "national security." It seems to me that to now ascribe law enforcement duties to the U.S. Army only serves to augment the argument that America is fast approaching police state status.
Stealing another $700 billion
We often forget about white collar crime. Why would someone vote to send criminal companies $700 + billion? Perhaps because some of that money goes to them…
Top Contributors 2003-2008:
Barrack Obama:
Goldman Sachs $748,880
University of California $625,911
JPMorgan Chase & Co $493,469
Harvard University $473,669
Citigroup Inc $467,849
Google Inc $426,174
University of Chicago $424,539
UBS AG $423,045
Skadden, Arps et al $394,335
Lehman Brothers $393,324
National Amusements Inc $385,803
Microsoft Corp $380,735
Sidley Austin LLP $379,802
Kirkland & Ellis $376,164
Moveon.org $347,463
Morgan Stanley $341,320
Time Warner $338,677
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Exelon Corp $314,063
Latham & Watkins $299,650
John McCain:
Merrill Lynch $306,813
Citigroup Inc $277,251
Goldman Sachs $234,345
Morgan Stanley $234,272
AT&T Inc $192,557
JPMorgan Chase & Co $185,325
Credit Suisse Group $165,575
Blank Rome LLP $155,326
Greenberg Traurig LLP $148,787
UBS AG $138,665
PricewaterhouseCoopers $138,320
US Government $137,842
Bank of America $133,975
FedEx Corp $123,953
Wachovia Corp $123,096
Pinnacle West Capital $123,050
Lehman Brothers $120,600
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $104,250
US Army $103,613
Bear Stearns $99,300
From http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00006424&cycle=2008
Top Contributors 2003-2008:
Barrack Obama:
Goldman Sachs $748,880
University of California $625,911
JPMorgan Chase & Co $493,469
Harvard University $473,669
Citigroup Inc $467,849
Google Inc $426,174
University of Chicago $424,539
UBS AG $423,045
Skadden, Arps et al $394,335
Lehman Brothers $393,324
National Amusements Inc $385,803
Microsoft Corp $380,735
Sidley Austin LLP $379,802
Kirkland & Ellis $376,164
Moveon.org $347,463
Morgan Stanley $341,320
Time Warner $338,677
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Exelon Corp $314,063
Latham & Watkins $299,650
John McCain:
Merrill Lynch $306,813
Citigroup Inc $277,251
Goldman Sachs $234,345
Morgan Stanley $234,272
AT&T Inc $192,557
JPMorgan Chase & Co $185,325
Credit Suisse Group $165,575
Blank Rome LLP $155,326
Greenberg Traurig LLP $148,787
UBS AG $138,665
PricewaterhouseCoopers $138,320
US Government $137,842
Bank of America $133,975
FedEx Corp $123,953
Wachovia Corp $123,096
Pinnacle West Capital $123,050
Lehman Brothers $120,600
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $104,250
US Army $103,613
Bear Stearns $99,300
From http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00006424&cycle=2008
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