Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pro Second Amendment? or just another business?

I once was a proud member of the National Rifle Association. Now, I am just a member and that may be just because I have a while before the expiration of my membership. The NRA has proven itself to be nothing more than the status-quo, lack of willpower business! The NRA had the opportunity to rally millions of members behind a pro-second Amendment candidate, but it chose not to. They believe that John McCain will protect their right. HA! Nothing more than a joke...

"The last thing we need is another liberal neocon in the White House. If the presidency of George W. Bush proved anything, it proved the hazard of electing phony Republican conservatives. At least one is able to clearly see a liberal for what he or she is when they have a "D" behind their name. But put an "R" behind the name and suddenly their liberal, Big-Government, anti-freedom agenda is barely recognized, which makes a liberal Republican much more dangerous than a liberal Democrat.

"Nowhere is McCain's chicanery and duplicity more jeopardous than in the area of the right to keep and bear arms. On issues relating to the Second Amendment, John McCain is a disaster! For example, the highly respected Gun Owners of America (GOA) rates McCain with a grade of F-. McCain's failing grade is well deserved.

"The GOA report of the 106th Congress reveals that out of 15 votes relating to the right to keep and bear arms, Senator John McCain voted favorably only 4 times. Put that into a percentage and McCain's pro-Second Amendment voting record is a pathetic 27%.

"If John McCain's proposed legislation were to become law, a gun owner who travels with a gun through a school zone or who uses one of the family handguns to go target shooting with a 15-year old could be sent to prison. And a person who uses a gun for self-defense could be sent to prison for a mandatory minimum of five years.

"I wonder how many gun owners and other professing pro-freedom Americans have already fallen victim to McCain's phony conservative campaign?"


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