Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who harmed who?

GVSU students protest shooting

A friend of Derek Copp, Karah Bradshaw, 19, said she has visited Derek at the hospital, and he's up and talking. She said the bullet hit him in the upper chest, but the bullet traveled downward and did damage.
She said there should not have been a drug raid of Copp's apartment
"I know him and he's not like that."

Grand Valley State University students are protesting the shooting of an unarmed student, Derek Copp, by a county sheriff's officer during an undercover drug raid.
About 40 people had gathered on campus by 11:30 a.m., including student Ben Rose, a protest organizer and friend of Copp. Both lived in the off-campus complex called Campus View apartments.
"We're out here because we're outraged at the police brutality," He also is spreading word about a protest planned at the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department on Monday afternoon.

Rose said that when all the information comes out "they will find out they are not dealing with any drug kingpin at Grand Valley."
The students shouted, "We want safety, not dead students."
Sayings on signs included, "Our campus is not a war zone" and "Why was our friend shot?" Another said, "Police brutality."

Its important to keep in mind that in Michigan, “possession of any amount of marijuana is a misdemeanor that carries a $2,000 fine and a maximum of a year in jail. Actually smoking marijuana (a separate crime) in any location, including your house, is also a misdemeanor, but will only get you 90 days in jail and a $100 fine. However, conditional discharge is available in all use and possession cases, which means that the judge has wide discretion to use alternative sentencing (rehab, community service, etc...) for first time offenders. Usually, conditional release lets a person opt for probation rather than trial. After successfully completing probation, the individual's criminal record does not reflect the charge.”
So basically, Derek Copp was shot in the chest for a misdemeanor.


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